What is our INTENT for Art at Woodheys?
We aim for every child to gain an enjoyment of art through developing their skills, knowledge and understanding of the subject. We believe it is vital to nurture creativity through opportunities which develop skills and encourage the children to be confident in expressing their ideas without the fear of making a mistake, but instead encourage a spirit of experimentation and a thirst for knowledge.
During lessons, we aim to use sketchbooks to assist in producing creative work, exploring the children’s ideas and recording their experiences. There they can become proficient in a variety of skills while reflecting on their own outcomes. While investigating the work of other artists, the children will also have the opportunity to analyse a range of work linked to the historical and cultural development of art forms.
When children arrive at the end of Year Six, we believe they will have gained the confidence to express themselves in a variety of media with a range of techniques to enable them to become potential artists or crafts people of the future.
IMPLEMENTATION - A sample of the Progression in Watercolour Painting Skills
Curriculum coverage