We understand that absence due to ill health can be unavoidable. If your child is going to be absent please:
This can be done in a number of ways:
Please call each day of your child’s absence or if sickness/diarrhoea and there is a known 48 hour period enforced from last bout of sickness/diarrhoea or COVID where there is a 10 day period of isolation this can also be reported to avoid the need of repeated absence reporting.
If we do not hear from you and your child does not arrive in school our Attendance Officer, Mrs Cockill will call.
It is essential that we have up to date contact information as this would be considered a safeguarding concern if we do not have 2 known contact numbers, so if you change your mobile number, PLEASE LET THE OFFICE KNOW straight away and we will update our SIMs contact information.
Children with less than 94% attendance will be closely monitored by our attendance team. Letters and referrals to the Education Welfare team will be made if attendance is causing concern. Appointments will be made with parents to discuss absence and failure to make significant improvement in attendance, may result in legal action possibly fines and/or prosecution.
Your child should only be kept away from school due to illness if they:
The NHS website has useful advice here: Is my child too ill to attend school? If you are not sure, check this NHS guidance. If you are still unsure, contact:
If your child has a medical/dental appointment coming up please notify us in advance and provide us with a copy of the appointment letter or card.
Every School day Counts but every MINUTE is equally important!
Please see below regarding school timings for the start of the school day:
All children arriving once the school gates are locked MUST enter school via the school office and parents must record their names in the late book. These will be marked in the class register as (L).
Each child arriving late causes disruption to the rest of their learning group
We understand that absence due to ill health can be unavoidable. If your child is going to be absent please:
This can be done in a number of ways:
Please call each day of your child’s absence or if sickness/diarrhoea and there is a known 48 hour period enforced from last bout of sickness/diarrhoea or COVID where there is a 10 day period of isolation this can also be reported to avoid the need of repeated absence reporting.
If we do not hear from you and your child does not arrive in school our Attendance Officer, Mrs Cockill will call.
It is essential that we have up to date contact information as this would be considered a safeguarding concern if we do not have 2 known contact numbers, so if you change your mobile number, PLEASE LET THE OFFICE KNOW straight away and we will update our SIMs contact information.
Children with less than 94% attendance will be closely monitored by our attendance team. Letters and referrals to the Education Welfare team will be made if attendance is causing concern. Appointments will be made with parents to discuss absence and failure to make significant improvement in attendance, may result in legal action possibly fines and/or prosecution.
Your child should only be kept away from school due to illness if they:
The NHS website has useful advice here: Is my child too ill to attend school? If you are not sure, check this NHS guidance. If you are still unsure, contact:
If your child has a medical/dental appointment coming up please notify us in advance and provide us with a copy of the appointment letter or card.
Every School day Counts but every MINUTE is equally important!
Please see below regarding school timings for the start of the school day:
All children arriving once the school gates are locked MUST enter school via the school office and parents must record their names in the late book. These will be marked in the class register as (L).
Each child arriving late causes disruption to the rest of their learning group